I will tell you of my first attempt at dating a celestial yogi and how quickly I fell in love with her and immediately had to imagine and manifest a life remarried with another child and how she accepted me in my very “socially odd” behavior and yet my shadow consciousness still triggered shame upon the most beautiful angel who instantly transformed into a wounded feminine instantaneously and unrecognizably just the exact same way that both of my ex’s narcissists have been unrecognizable since I ascended into the light and how after that moment she wouldn’t see me again and how I first thought she was a narcissist again and I had sniffed out another one but then I remembered that I am the word and I am the one manifesting and every single experience is yet another opportunity for me to demonstrate How much I love God and also how the second that I introduced shame both her and I came crashing down in frequencies and that I instantly manifest another stressful parenting moment with child services but I won because I always win and that is because Yahweh and if god is on my side who is against me.
1 min readNov 13, 2021
First legal victory. More coming soon.