I Will tell you of the story of the last two crazy weeks of my life
2 min readJan 15, 2022
- It’s been a minute. Somedays I can’t believe I’ve written a word of this blog.
- I can’t believe how far away I feel after spending a month away from Nashville #heaven
- I’m so easily triggered in Colorado
- I’m sliding back and forth between quantum Buddah and 3D loser programmer. It’s a wild ride.
- I am learning the art of solitude. It is fucking awesome.
- The shadow is strong. It’s fast.
- It moves at me so fast in any moment of pride or arrogance. Legit panic attacks over my car lease.
- My prayers are still being answered so fast. I prayed for jennifer to have another victim. His name is Ethan. Good luck dude.
- It was really fucking wild getting caught in the dark magic of Jennifer’s projection.
- Im slowly freeing myself if it. It was so strong it’s like I was believing it.
- I have started my walk of shame. It is crazy awful. Started with my kids. Then to my parents. Next my cousin. The righteous. Next to my neighbor. The predestined.
- My story holds up. Not with my brother. He probably fucked her.
- My story Is tough. To be told you will be king. To try then live on the run. In the caves. I guess I get to know the other side of David. I already had the “man after gods heart” down.
- Now I get to learn the “when is this lame story over God?” #david #iknewiwasmoredavidbutgodismakingmesolomon
- What a trip. I launched the app. You can’t stop me. I’m integrating two consciousness together. It’s fucking wild.
- I’m going to write some letters. Time to do the work.
Trying to sail to Nashville