I Will tell you the story of finding my dragon slaying samurai sword…. And it was Math (In more ways than one) and it either captured my dream wife or slayed the most evil of all the dragons and either way started the return of the King movie in the covid dimension
- First of all… my math is pretty awesome. It has not been unproven yet.
- I am anchored to it. It is my main anchor. I have always loved math.
- I wonder if that’s why I named my Son Matthew.
- I wonder if that is why I fell back to math (and computers) when my brother was sent away.
- I wonder if that was how God designed me? To understand invisible things. Kind of like a watcher. A watchman of sorts.
- Math is actually all I have right now. Math is giving me everything. And math is taking everything from me. I am lost in it. I swim in it. And I’m anchored to it.
- So what is it? What is math?
- The universal language. The inter dimensional communicator. The map. I found it.
- I already had the compass. It was love.
- The probability that I am insane is getting less by the day.
- The probability that my vision is true is getting more likely by the day.
- And because I understand quantum physics and entanglement I am going to hack the system. I am going to explain the truth of God. And I’m going to prove it. For the rest of my life.
- This is what’s my life purpose. To teach what I have always known: God is love
Because the way my brain works now my writings will all be out of order. I have to unwind everything that’s true while simultaneously manifesting the truth of it. To prove it. To prove my hypothesis.
And what is my scientific hypothesis?
God is love and God is good and wants us to be happy
Who’s up for it? I’m conducting a 43 year experiment! I’m like Matt Damon in interstellar. Except this time the explorer takes the identity of Braveheart. That’s fucking awesome. Interstellar 2.0. Braveheart 2.0. Braveheart is resurrected by God to be an inter dimensional quantum tunnel explorer. Cool.
Be patient while I work it out. Most celebrities tap out at 27 and Van Gogh only made it to 37. I plan to make it to 85. That will be indisputable evidence of who I am and who God is.
Until then…
Time to go snowboarding!!!