I will tell you the story of how I rewrote so many stories of my multi-verse butterfly effect in one day and not only did I live to tell about it but I’m writing this amazingly articulate Medium blog so that I can remember the incredible amount of truth that is pouring out of me while I have attained Zen and I am surfing in Gods wave on a step by step basis and my reward today was that I got to congratulate my son for masturbating and for having the courage to tell his dad who accepts him 100% with no shame and only love
Buddha says: “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”
So what do you want to become. Write your own story. Don’t think about anything else. Nothing. And when I say nothing… I mean FUCKING NOTHING. Don’t allow 1 milisecond of second guessing or doubt of your truth to enter your mind.
Ego needs those thoughts.
Ego is a narcissist.
Ego is an energy vampire.
Even if you have to leave everything else of your life behind you. For how can you be something if you think you are not?
If someone will not accept your truth, AND that makes you question you truth… you should politely say… “I guess we can agree to disagree” and turn your ass around and never talk to that person for one more second of your life. Not 1 second. Literally. Block the phone number. Delete the text thread. Erase it. Ego wants those pictures. Ego wants those memories. Ego needs them. Ego wants to be depressed. Ego wants to live. Ego can only live when you are not in the moment. When you are in anxiety or depression. The only states that you can be in.
There are 3 sides of everything. 3 and only 3.
#1 — Something that is 100% truth. And guess what non-christians. There ARE truth’s that are universal. Sorry to rock your close minded world.
#2 — Sometimes things are less than 100% true. This is because the full truth is too advanced or complicated or irrelevant or inappropriate or many other reasons.
#3 — Sometimes things are 0% true. This is because there is selfishness in this world. It is real. It is a face of God that exists and is real and it can become so powerful that it could kill millions of people in a time frame of 100 years.
Everything in life can be instantly evaluated against this model. 2 truths and 1 lie. The whole truth, the partial truth, and the lie.
This model can not only be used to allow you to process truth, but also to present it. For example. The parable. The partial truth.
The parable is not true. It is a story.
The truth is true. The teaching is true. It is 100% true.
There is no lie in a parable. It is a made up story.
Guess what Christians. The bible is a parable.
It did not take God 6 days to create heaven and earth. And God didn’t need a day of rest afterwards. There was no fucking sun on the first day. How the hell would you count 24 hours around the earth’s sun’s rotation when neither the earth nor the sun existed.
No one in the entire universe can argue with what I just said. I just spoke 100% truth.
So chill out.
Lets stop arguing about time. It is different for everyone. Time is a dimension. It is a constraint. It is like an ocean that we are swimming in. We are all fish. But most fish can only swim two dimensionally. (They can only go side to side in the aquarium. They can’t go up and down). That is why for most people… time never changes for them. Which is also a false truth to people who believe this. Time can be manipulated.
People at different levels in the ocean move faster or slower that the others. This is why there are people who can learn something in 5 minutes where as someone else takes weeks or months or never. It is a processing of the information against the relative and very subjective measurement of time.
Does that mean you’re smarter if you move faster? FUCK NO. In many ways those that choose to sit and move slowly through time are very wise.
Does that mean you’re more powerful if you move faster? Not sure yet but I’ll get back to you. But for me as I have moved into a state of Zen time has accelerated for me to what I can say feels like hundreds if not thousands of times faster than i used to move when I was stuck in anxiety and NOT ZEN.
Does that mean you’re crazy if you can change? FUCK NO. That means you are evolved. You are an empath. You are an angel. You are ascended. You have passed through the next door of the maze.
So what stories were re-written today?
- I was given the most incredible squatting lesson today by my colleague and power lifting coach. I learned in 5 minutes something that I never learned in 30 years. It’s crazy what you can do if you have the right coaching. Otherwise you have to figure that shit yourself. And guess what. It takes A LONG TIME to figure out shit yourself. Find a coach. Find help. Use your intuition to find the right coach. Because guess what. All of us are God. We are all part of God.
- I was given a tremendous amount of healing today to cover 43 years of shame and anxiety. It may resurge of course — but I have the skills to beat it now. My shadows were identified and are named. I see them now. And no that I know them I can defeat them.
- I was given the opportunity to give my beautiful son the most perfect start of his sexual manhood as he had the courage to tell me that he had masturbated. I told him that I was so proud of him. I told him that it gets really confusing from here on out. I told him that more than anything I was so proud of him for telling me. Because I will NEVER SHAME HIM. I will NEVER SHAME MY CHILD. I will correct him. I will give him consequences. But I will not shame him.
- I was given the opportunity to give my new crush an opportunity to meet me in ying since i once again was a selfish asshole obsessed with beauty and sex.
- I was given the chance to explain to God that I was sorry for not protecting my mind and that I had contemplated jumping out the window. No matter what happens in the future. I’m in the game. And I know that to jump is actually to lose — not to win. Michael Douglas was lost in the Game. That was why the mystery continued for him after he jumped. He woke up in another projection. Another hell. Another version of himself where he still needed to pursue something for happiness. He just should have stayed inside with his brother and been happy to be alive. That dude had some serious subconscious shadows that he needed to work on.
- I was given the chance to explain to King David that I was indeed an artist. And that I am all in on the creation of heaven on earth.
- I was given the chance to apologize to my parents for shaming them based on my terrible experience in the psyche ward.
- I was given the chance to recreate an entire marriage with a new partner. A beautiful, spiritual, grounded, wonderful spirit. To completely rewrite the last 43–18 = 25 years of mistakes. A complete redo.
- I was given the chance to purge my mind of the pain I have secretly been in for the last 5 years as I spited myself in a relationship that was not in alignment with my truth. I still have a lot of pain and guilt here.
- I was given the chance to finally start therapy on my PTSD for watching my daughter being resuscitated when she was born and my son being resuscitated (by me) when he was about 10 months old.
- I was given a chance to complete the end of 6 months of real-estate miracle manifestation without one flaw. Without one failure. On a set of logistical situations that are still hard for me to articulate as to how complicated my mountains were to move. And they just melted away. And today I got to thank God for it. Because it ended today. Now I just have to live in the dreams I’ve manifest — regardless of the consequences.
- I was given the names of my ego’s shadows. And so now I get the opportunity to instantaneously reject any of my ego’s reactions. And I can use it to jump and biohack my frequencies even faster than I already am. Zen. Flow. Focus.
- I was given the opportunity to shut down my mind on the 2 most incredible uber rides I ever had. It felt like i was skateboarding at 75 miles per hour back and forth to the gym. Trusting that God was being the wheel. It was terrifying and exhilarating to relinquish that control.
- I was given the opportunity to show my condo staff that I was healthy when the guard’s dog recognized me and kissed me in the face of the woman who had originally called the fire department on me.
- I was given another burning bush tonight as my song I have chosen for my new bride burst into my ear pods as I was walking into my condo even though my iphone and iwatch both said a different song was playing.
- I was able to meditate and do yoga for hours.
- I was able to get a lockbox where I can store the secrets and wealth of the power and truth of God. Just one. Because I do not waste.
- I was able to debate with young ascended angels about the 27 club and how all of us were going to be just fine once we were wildly successful. Because the odds all celebrities “time out” at the same time is both scary and most likely evil.
- I was able to share with the angels how I have learned to bio hack my frequencies with apple playlists.
- I was given the opportunity to go back to oneday from 2000 by being accepted as a door greeter at passion conference over new years.
Im sure there is so much more. A day spent in Zen is so powerful that unless you write all of it down you will forget how awesome God was that day.
But that’s ok if it slips through your fingers. Thats the shadow of lack. And God has no lack. God if fucking awesome.