I will tell you the story of how the Christ himself cannot do anything to stop selfishness but he can see it, sense it, and work around it so that he is the fucking cornerstone and he will never stop the journey he is on because it is legit like a movie with amazing characters, locations, and plot twists where the good guy always wins as long as he remembers the rules of the game which are so difficult to remember every moment of every day but when you do life continues to pave itself one step at a time and because he remembered the rules this time he had the most amazing week between kids and work and fighting off his narcissists and manifesting a huge business opportunity as well as manifest dates with some of the most beautiful women he’s ever imagined seeing let alone talking to let alone dating and what is really crazy is that this is an amazing plot line that was surprising and unexpected and at this point exciting as Odysseus’s sail is picking up speed and now looking back the Christ completely dissolved the chords of his last relationship with a weekend with the divine goddess that he is now dating and even contemplating marriage and a family redo for ego 2.0

Homer's Odyssey of Christ
7 min readNov 6, 2021


I’m recapping my week. I won’t remember how crazy it was.

  • Tuesday or Wednesday: found new lawyer Arch angel Michael
  • Immediately hit by 2 lawsuits from my exes. Instantly. Within hours.
  • I came back Thursday night late so I could deal with Jenn and the appraisal. I threatened legal action including cops if she didn’t let the appraisal happen
  • I was driven home by the most amazing teacher. He acknowledged me and hugged me for having the courage on my journey
  • Friday morning I went to the bank and got cash for meds and to tip eric for dealing with my shit
  • Friday I was told by my new buddy Eric that she had made legal filings against the property.
  • I basically paid the mob for protection.
  • Micheal is my lawyer. He is east coast and i would never want to betray this guy if you know what I’m saying
  • Ken is my Pilates instructor. He speaks in Druid and tattoo and is teaching me to breathe through my nose since I’ve been breathing wrong my whole life which triggers the upper half of your “Vegas Nerve”
  • Angel Jenn. Amazingly helpful and supportive as always. Beautiful. I want to ask her out ;)
  • Friday afternoon: kids from school. Quick target run.
  • Straight to mall and dinner and spirit and to see the movie dune in the theater. Bought a bunch of clothes for myself.
  • Saturday: met some Jedi power lifters and signed up to be in the 1000 lb club next Halloween dressed as a Jedi
  • Sat back to spirit. Hike the bluffs with my kids.
  • Worked on software.
  • Sunday. Church with the kids. One final run into spirit.
  • This is literally just 2.5 days by now since back in Denver
  • Halloween. Tried to get Matt’s make up on. Not even close lol
  • Crazy time at elitches. 2 haunted houses. 1 amazing show. Roller coasters. Costumes.
  • Walking out was served by someone with divorce papers from jenn.
  • Somewhere to deal with the disbelief of the divorce filings I decided I needed to have sex and disconnect from Jennifer.
  • I signed up on tinder. Terrible.
  • I signed up on bumble. Better. Immediately ran across Jenns profile seeking a new snowboarding partner. I tried to match her. She accepted the match. I told her she had ruined love for me forever. Moulin Rouge style.
  • Way too long on that stupid dating app but instantly had tens of beautiful women messaging me.
  • I immediately recognized her when I saw Lexi’s picture. Amazing. Divine Goddess. Balanced. Beautiful.
  • The whole week I really focused on being a good dad
  • I was able to hide the dating the whole week from them and I’ve lined up three women so far
  • I really like the one that I meeting tomorrow
  • She checks the boxes if you know what I’m saying
  • I don’t know whether she’s the divine goddess or another divine evil sorceress
  • Work was great with meetings and manifests the return of a massive client opportunity
  • Got the invoices done for cash flow
  • My start up software is almost done already
  • Took the kids to youth group on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Daddy daughter dinner date
  • Visited the iPhone store and got a watch replacements for my son which then later I found the original watch
  • Spent hours and hours getting the new watch set up
  • Kept the cash out refinance flow going
  • Ran by the title company to drop off the notarized document that I had notarized at the bank earlier that day
  • Completed The closing driving down to somebody’s house in Castlerock
  • Multiple conversations with Jennifer to try to get her to back off of her legal attack
  • It was like a broken record robot continuing to blame me for absolutely everything. A true lack of empathy and a true borderline personality.
  • I tried to reach out to Jill in love and she would have none of it. She’s legit trying to get a child custody from me
  • There’s so much more
  • I feel like I lived in the gym this week
  • I made all of my meetings
  • I wrote software
  • I onboarded my new attorney
  • I hired a new CPA
  • I’ve started the process of re-classify my taxes
  • I’m getting prepared to legally go after my ex and I will eventually evict her from the townhouse that I bought for her because she didn’t want me to work from a different city
  • It was really wild as the woman I loved was treating me like I was her slave and therefore to be punished because I disobeyed her. Completely unrecognizable behavior.
  • Tomorrow I’m going out with a new girl that I’m really infatuated with
  • So I’m at the inflection point that I was last time with Jennifer
  • Can I hold my truth… Can I even define my truth around a beautiful woman?
  • And let’s just put it this way… This girl checks the boxes in a way that Jennifer never did

I learned a lot from my relationship with Jennifer

  • I learned how to have sex
  • I learned how to be an alpha energy
  • I learned how to wine and dine an attention needing beautiful woman
  • I learned how to articulate my quantum experience
  • I learned how to appreciate beautiful homes
  • I learned a lot about jealousy and toxicity
  • I learned that I had to actually become an alcohol abuser and that only I could get myself out of it
  • The relationship pushed me right into the ocean on a surfboard
  • I learned how to write really amazing software
  • I learn how to build a start up for real
  • I learned how to walk away from the thing I love most in the world in order to find my truth

There was a lot of pain

  • She handed me a glass of straight tequila on one of our first dates
  • she came onto me so strongly sexually that it was really overwhelming which I learned later is a narcissistic tactic called love bombing
  • The speed at which I was moving with her led me to get drunk and cheat on her in Vegas
  • From that point forward I lived in a world of trauma bonding and shame
  • It was awful
  • I was a shadow of who I was before Vegas… A shadow of who I am now…
  • It’s not really a question of will I forget my truth… It’s a matter of how quickly can I wake up and what will I do to remember it on a daily basis
  • And how to treat this woman with the love that I want to give but also I have the things that I want to have
  • I don’t really want to go hook up with those girls in Nashville
  • But I probably will unless Lexi wants to see me
  • And can I manifest a career and a relationship at the same time
  • With the efficiency that I am moving right now it sure feels like I would be able to handle a relationship
  • As long as the relationship had boundaries that were upheld
  • I’m so thankful that I don’t have to be a stepparent anymore or ever again
  • Accept I’m sure I’ll find such a beautiful woman that that will make me reconsider my positions
  • For now Lexi is good for me

I can make a contract with her. Law and not emotion. She will not sleep with anybody else and neither will I.

If she really wants a child and that is the driving force you can’t block her from that experience. Would she be a single mom? Would she move to Nashville?

Look at the way that I change my story instantly

It’s incredible

So how do you have a beautiful woman that you can have a connection to without rewriting your entire story just to have access to that feeling

I think it is the contract… The soul contract… Make women accountable just as men are accountable

Give the women what they want

Get what you want

Make expectations known right away no games

But put it all on paper and sign it

The lies would end immediately

Babe. I’m going on a date tomorrow. I really like her. Please help me to hold my truth. I miss you. I hope you are getting good rest.

As for me I had a really long week… And I can’t wait to have a really long weekend…

I’m here on Monday at the airport. Just spent the most beautiful weekend with Lexi. She is so beautiful. Way More than jill or jenn ever were in their best. Shes definitely a divine goddess. I can’t believe how quickly I manifest a dream woman. 3 for 3.

  • She wants to be married. She has never been.
  • She wants to be a mother. She has never been.
  • A complete redo with a more beautiful and perfect partner. Sitting right in front of me.

Babe — it must be you. It has to be. I will it so. What a magical 11 days. Incredible.

Homer William Wallace





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