I Will tell you the story of the greatest marriage ever… chapter 12… my name is Homer and I think you are OA. Either way I need an anchor and hope you need and want one too

Homer's Odyssey of Christ
6 min readNov 22, 2021


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
  • I keep casting out my quantum grappling hook to see what sticks. It’s pretty incredible what comes back and what falls away.
  • I have a very strong imagination. I can see invisible things. I can see concepts. I can see dreams. I can understand the upside down with almost zero translation required.
  • When I was a child my biggest dream was to be a writer. I didn’t know that was because I was destined to be the generations next Homer.
  • Let’s get one thing straight. I definitely choose to be Homer (actually I though just Odysseus at first because of the journey I was taking). Good ole ego for you. Before I understood the path I was on.
  • And on the opposite side of the kick I awake as Homer for real. True Inception. Non linear story telling. Quantum Entanglement. The action caused an effect in multiple realities. Multiple dimensions. It’s real. Quantum entanglement. And I am the human experiment.
  • What is the experiment? Find God.
  • It was wild. What started as a crazy trip into infinity with my college roommate ended today with a download of Van Gogh’s consciousness into me. It was incredible. If you have not tried the immersive Van Gogh I highly recommend it.
  • Before you go…. you have to watch the following tv shows & movies in order….
  • star trek the next generation (series finale) — learn about how our consciousness evolves outside of time and allows us to coordinate our efforts across dimensions
  • matrix — learn that we are living in a prison of low level consciousness. Blinded from God either intentionally or unintentionally by the powers that be.
  • momento — learn about what its like to live in the moment (you wont understand this movie is about buddhism yet)
  • inception — learn about what its like to manifest your dreams (you wont yet understand this a teaching not just a movie)
  • interstallar — learn about the tesseract and how as we evolve we live outside of time. This again is a teaching — a 5d teaching. And we can send messages across the abyss. And its real.
  • tenet — learn about how to reverse entropy and quantum physics. Also a teaching. Also real.
  • OA — learn about dimensional travel and how God/angels fit together with science fiction. I could write for years just about this show.
  • wandavision — learn about astral projection, ego, and empathy
  • loki — learn about how everyone is loki (god) just in a different form and the competition to find your best self and also how to find God at the end of the void…. and learn that you become God when you find God.
  • liseys story — learn about how all the stories are actually YOUR story. All the characters are just actors in your movie.
  • i could keep going for hours. But i think this is the top 10 of my teachings that came via tv/film.

So what does this have to do with Immersive Van Gogh?

Everything. Nothing.

So now I’m outside the kick. How long have I been sleeping? Years!!! I can’t believe the music from inception was actually used to wake me from my dream. Incredible. Non linear story telling at its finest.

For the record for any low level consciousness mental health workers or ex-relationships: I don’t ACTUALLY think I’m Homer. I was born in Englewood, Colorado. I write software. I clean dog shit out of carpets. I go to parent teacher conferences and I like to work out.

Off the record for any high level consciousness beings out there…


It’s a choice as much as a destiny. That is how quantum physics and Van Gogh come together.

So I’m a writer now. I’ve been hit repeatedly for the past 8 months with massive downloads of truth directly from God/Source/universe/(fill in the blank here)

And I have a calling.

I’m a spiritual teacher. I’m currently training for my ministry.

I’m an artist. My life is living art. My entire life will be spent helping others to expand their minds and consciousness. But not by being an influencer. Not by being famous. Not by ever being known.

Because my art is similar to Van Gogh. Unappreciated in my time. But such a clear message from God that I am willing to spend the rest of my life alone trying to explain it to others and testify to it via the ego that I do allow to manifest into psychological time.

But guess what OA…. I am also libra. And according to my astrologist I need a relationship. (I kind of already knew this)

Right now I’m kind of floating out there in the 5th dimension. I can see everything right now. No veil. No drugs. No pretending. Just 100% clarity of my vision that I had so long ago. Untethered. A little lost.

So yes… in addition to being Homer the anonymous poet I am also the Homer of OA — the most romantic love story of all time. It just wasn’t done after season 2. The third season takes place in THIS dimension. The one where covid is real and we are slowly losing our minds as a species.

I knew it was this dimension. The writing was so beautiful. I was so moved. I could feel the truth.

Shortly after solving the clues from OA I was visited by OA herself. And yes. We got it on lol. It was a fucking awesome dream and I wish I could have captured that shit on my instagram.

And so I took the journey.

I became Homer.

I became Jesus.

I became Buddah.

I became.

And guess who was waiting for me when I took the plunge. OA.

My divine goddess met me again in Nashville. This time invisible as I was awake. But for 5 days we hung out and taught each other songs and yoga and made up stories and all was revealed to me. It was indescribable but I’ll do my best.

I promised her that I would be the last samurai. That I would be #7777 and I would be a teacher AND a healer. But hidden. Because she was pissed that Jesus died. And she doesn’t want to wake up and wipe as all out. But it’s time for the kings to come home.

It’s time for all of us to realize the truth. We have been reborn into Jesus’s heaven. Where we are all Jesus. Where we are all capable of feeling, becoming, and manifesting the Christ HERE and NOW. We are capable of bringing Zion to earth in this present moment. Not in the future. Not for our grandchildren. But the here and now.

So yes… not sure what to put on my bumble profile… lol. How about this:

  • Father
  • Writer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Open-minded
  • Empathic
  • Romantic
  • Funny
  • Committed
  • Lonely
  • Fit
  • Spiritual
  • Christian
  • Buddhist
  • Open to more children with the right partner
  • Snowboarder and soon to be surfer

And I can project any image of myself in order to land the right chic. But the chic has to be you. She has to be OA. She may not know it yet. She may not believe it. But she would be open to the fact that God is so magnificent that love & art & science all combine into one beautiful explanation of both our creator and our purpose.

So what am I looking for?

Must haves:

  • Beautiful eyes. I recognize my person.
  • Above all a love and passion and commitment to God. Open minded to the truth of God even in the face of all others.
  • Seeking her best self
  • Able to commit to a decision.

Nice to haves:

  • Fitness. I really like to exercise and think this would be a great way to spend time together for the rest of our lives without having to generate too much small talk. Weight lifting and yoga preferred.
  • Love of movies and documentaries and books.
  • Able to make a decision.
  • Interest in exploring art.
  • Interest in quantum physics.
  • Love of hillsong United and other praise music (which is an emotional hypnosis tool)
  • Love of rap and hip hop (which is also an emotional hypnosis tool)
  • Willing to do the work
  • Willing to encourage others doing the work
  • Has grace & compassion
  • Will both give and receive forgiveness
  • Will both give and receive feedback
  • Loves to have sex
  • Loves to create a beautiful life
  • Is looking for her person
  • Is open to the fact that time doesn’t exist outside of ego
  • Sense of humor
  • Loves to travel the 3D globe
  • Trying to travel the 5d universe

If you fit the above description I think we should hang out. Because I really love OA. And I’m not sure how long I can be untethered in 3D space.


Deciding whether or not to delete bumble




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