I will tell you the story of the greatest marriage ever… Chapter 6 — Let me tell you about my dad… He’s my hero.

Homer's Odyssey of Christ
5 min readNov 13, 2021


Photo by Devon Divine on Unsplash


i want to tell you about my dad. He was so awesome. He is my hero. From the moment I was born I have been so amazed my him. I want to me just like him someday.

What do i like about my dad you ask? Let me tell you…

  1. He is cool.
  2. He loves me. He loves me so much. He would die for me. I know he would. How do I know? He told me. And when he told me…. I just knew it. I just knew he would do it. I believed it. Because that’s just exactly what I would do for my kids. I would die for them. Like Jesus died for us.
  3. He is strong. I saw him move something so big and heavy once. It was like a miracle. I always wanted to be strong. I wanted to be able to stop a bullet or block a car from hitting Lois Lane. I wanted to be strong just like him. Like Superman.
  4. One time I was getting attacked by a bunch of angry hornets. They were bighting all over. It was so awful because it felt like time stopped in my fear. I felt frozen in my fear. Out of nowhere…. almost like out of the heavens. His arms came out of nowhere and swooped me out of danger. He saved me. I’ll never forget it. I’ve always wanted to be like that. A hero.
  5. He is tough. He stands up for what he believes in and he doesn’t take any shit from anyone. I don’t know how he does it or if he even means to… but people are honestly kind of scared of him because he is so tough.
  6. I feel like he taught me everything I know. He is so incredibly brilliant. He is such a good teacher that he teaches me even when I don’t know I’m being taught. He is like Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid. He is like a wise monk at the top of the hidden mountain temple. He is like John Nash smart. Maybe even smarter. Because did I tell you he was cool.
  7. He is a surfer. And he taught himself. And he just decided one day to go become a surfer. He just did it. It was crazy. It was like one day he was one person. And the next day he was a surfer. That’s what I want be like when i grow up. I want to be able to just do it. He is so brave. He is so courageous.
  8. He takes responsibility for so much. He runs a bunch of software companies or something. He also likes to help people with their businesses. He can take any invisible idea and make it real so fast. People thing he’s some kind of magician the way he can create software. He is so brilliant.
  9. He helps me. Its pretty crazy that somebody who is so busy will even take any time to help me but I swear every time I ask him for help I get it. Now sometimes it is a little frustrating because sometimes he says he will do something and seems like he forgets or something. But you know what… I’m pretty sure everything he ever said he would do for me he actually ends up doing it sooner or later. (Sometimes I have to send text messages to help him remember that I really needed something). He is so dependable.
  10. He fights for me. One time some guys tried to take me (like legit kidnapping) in front of him and he beat the shit out of them. It was honestly kind of scary the way he went after them. Almost primal. (Remember I said he would die for me?). I feel so safe with him.
  11. He is forgiving. Even when people don’t deserve it. One time these people were so mean to my dad. He actually scared me because he almost died. Or he thought he was going to die or something. It doesn’t matter. Because the people who had been so mean to him… guess what… he just kept treating them nicer and nicer. It was really something to see. I really have a lot of respect for him.
  12. He is a good story teller. Because of him I learned to love stories so much. Whether it was a book or a movie or a comic even a song. He could make a story out of anything. The one thing that was kind of weird about his stories…. they all were about the same thing. He just kept telling the same story over and over but he would change the characters and the locations etc. But the plot was always the same. It was always the hero’s journey. It was like he secretly thought he was on his own hero’s journey or something. But you know what it taught me… it taught me to look for the same truth in different places. Its really wild when you do that because the more I have looked for interconnected stories the more I find. I feel like he knew that and by telling the same story over and over he was actually giving me hints.
  13. He taught me a lot about sex. It was cool. I had all these other people telling me what to do about sex and it was so nice to hear it from somebody that I looked up to. (Someday I’ll tell you what he taught me. Short version: Wait to have sex until you are in love. Wait to be in love until you know what it is. Once you know what is is take it. And once you have it… fuck her brains out. As long as you treat her with the same respect that I give to you and your mother.) He wasn’t ashamed to help me in difficult subjects. And he didn’t shame me even though its such a tough subject.
  14. He loves God. This is both good and bad. Because for whatever reason… which he really can’t explain to me… he loves God so much that I feel like his more in a relationship with God than with my mom. He is really extreme in his faith — like REALLY extreme. Did I tell you that he even changed his name! He says he did it because he wanted a way to help others explain his beliefs. Which I have to say… are kind of weird. Its also kind of weird because sometimes I don’t even know what to call him. But either way what I admire most about him is no matter how weird other people may think he is he doesn’t care. That’s how much he loves God. And that’s how much I want to love God too. He has such amazing faith.

There is so much more I could tell you about my dad. There is so much more about him that I wish I knew. I just know this… he is an awesome dad.

Jesus to Mary Magdalene

Telemachus to his bride

Me to the next candidate for the Devine Feminine

My Son to his the first girl he makes love to and she cries out “JESUS CHRIST!!”





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