I Will tell you the story of the night I rewrote my love story and my Childrens childhood since this time they were stuck with me on Calypso’s island by pulling my own time heist using what I learned in tenet and pbs and in doing so won health custody of my children so I could protect them from the covid vaccine because they are celestials like I am and for my time heist I am integrating Harry Potter 3 and superhero squad 223 and avengers end game and that was only one story and the other story was how Nausicaa was the same character as Madeleine from No Time To Die which is amazing because not only is that 007 but Nausicaa was also my 7th wife and I am 7777 and while I didn’t Watch the end of the movie (because I’m learning how to be the actual Watcher Watchman) yet I will but I’m sure it is going to end up with them together because in my story the hero gets the girl and I already told God that Nausicaa was perfect and really she just wants me to go get my anger banging on so I know how to have sex finally in a healthy and non shameful way and no matter if I ever get another date with my Cherry Creek Angel it doesn’t matter because I’m going to keep writing her my next book of the Bible with is the sequel to Ecclesiastes which is a parable of unrequited love where the guy actually gets the girl of his dreams just like the notebook except there is no lost memories because they were able to synchronize their quantum shifting that allowed each of them to be in the same place at the same time while connected but also free to live their truth while away from each other but because you can see truth in eyes because no shame always wins in the eyes and so I know that she was an actor in my movie but I’m the fucking writer because I am the word and Iam and IWill and Ihomer and ielshaddai and idaddy and after writing this my night wasn’t half way over because by working on the healing with my kids I won some kind of prize because I legit just downloaded how to be an amazing hip hop dancer like the girl from glee and this is so fucking crazy and probably why I started dancing like a lunatic at the witch’s I mean angels loading zone I mean song bath where they just happened the gong the shit of the gongs around me because I was in the middle of a fucking amazing vision of the end of my life at 85 as the silver surfer who was actually the last samurai which apparently maybe also a masked dancer because I’m Batman but apparently a pacifist like ghandi but apparently ghandi was not a virgin because his quote specifically says get you anger bang on and so I’ll see my 8th wife the weekend of Dec 5th at bachelors gulch because not only am I elshaddai but I’m a bachelor and don’t ask me to dance for awhile because I’m pretty shy especially around girls and that’s because I’m obsessed with them but apparently was supposed to be a writer and hip hop dancer my whole life

Homer's Odyssey of Christ
3 min readNov 25, 2021



Heading to Harry Potter land tomorrow and twiddling with my time turner I mean my time stone I mean my entropy I mean my medium blog I mean my Twitter account I mean my decisions I mean my prayers I mean my manifestations




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