I Will tell you the story of what it feel like to be a Quantum Bruce Lee
I spent a lot of time living in my ego. Probably about 40 years. That would make sense since I’ve selected Moses as my magician. An exile sent down the river. #Calel Born into privilege. #Brucewayne Son of a king. Sent into exile. Called by God from the bush. #Apple Shy. Returns to save. 40 years in the wilderness. #MayEgoRestInPeace Lets not talk about the bad parts of the story. Let’s just realize the fact that almost all of these situations has personally happened to me.
It took me a long time to listen to the voices. A LONG time. It’s really frightening to listen to the voices actually. To discern truth at every second.
Yes… the rest of my life I have to continually prove to myself that I am not completely mad.
I’m so mad that in the last 12 months that I have completely changed almost every aspect of my life and not only am I surviving but I am thriving. Mana from heaven literally lights my path. My path through what…. I’m still trying to describe it.
It took me 43 years to learn my martial form. Thats a lot of time for Mr Miyagi to be teaching me things I didn’t know were lessons in the first place #waxOnWaxOff
How can I describe my martial form?
Angelic Warrior.
Undercover. A angelic ninja. Like Shang-Chi. Hanging out parking cars. Ready to go at any time.
Trying to live in the moment. Learning from the Great Master’s on the moment. Buddha. #zen Tolle. #powerofnow Gui Gon. #feeldontthink Stephen King. #yourStory Jesus. #IAm Me. #IWill. Brit. #IHomer
My life has literally been transformed at a molecular level. I have lost 30 pounds since my cry. I am power lifting. I am doing yoga. I am hip hop dancing. I am doing parcour. I will be doing handstands soon. I’m rock climbing again. I have sold and bought multiple properties. Ive started a new business. I have built a new software platform. I’m not sure if I’m still a good snowboarder but I’m pretty sure I am.
I’ve said goodbye to all my meaningless relationships. I’ve embraced all the ones that I care about. I’ve reconnected with my children. I’ve gone on multiple business trips and even a vacation.
I have had tons of therapy. Emotionally healing. Dated a beautiful woman.
Become enlightened. Become a monk. Become an athlete. Become a writer. Become an artist.
Joined multiple churches.
Come up with my master piece. Which this entry is one small part.
Documented the whole process in my journal, twitter, and medium.
The speed at which I am moving right now is fast. #juiceWRLD Very very fast.
But the acknowledgement is the real power of this whole thing. To be acknowledged for your truth. It is like a bolt of lighting. #backtothefuture #harrypotter
What does it feel like to be Quantum Warrior? Kind of like a really powerful dream.
One in which for the most part I control the navigation. #bluepill #redpill #butterflyeffect #tenet
Where my own shadows create actual darkness #imthinkingofendingthings #submissivenarcissist
It also feels pretty damn exciting. To be the star of your own movie. To have each song the soundtrack of your life. To see Tao is all things. Each interaction. Each script. Whether “they” know it or acknowledge it. That’s your own self-consciousness #impostersyndrome
I found my writer’s temple. Exactly what I was looking for. At least for this city. #dimension #appleEarPodMax
There is something extremely empowering over giving up your ego. #center To see the veil at all times. To let go into the ocean tide.
I wonder what characters will show up… #anyiwant
I wonder what skills I will learn… #surfing
I wonder what I will accomplish… #everything
I wonder if time will ever slow down… #hopenot
I think I can maybe even code here. I didn’t feel good about working in the hotels. Too much opportunity to move that in a direction of my #submissivenarcissist
For the record….
None of this happened because “I Wanted It”. Maybe I wanted to know myself… for sure God.
This is all the result of forcing the jump out of my last experience. #dimension #girlfriend
The rock bottom moment in Mexico where I cried out to God “I DON’T WANT TO FEEL THIS WAY!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!”
I can’t believe I didn’t get arrested that night. Thank you. #grace
At this point I have complete strangers coming up to me and acting very odd. Almost like the know me. Almost like they are in the same experience #skitdimension as me. That is where this has become the most amazing and frightening.
Possibly this could be the “Christ” frequency. Not sure I need to do more research. I’m trying not to invoke the Christ too much. It is too powerful and therefore too scary. One moment of failure in that frequency will manifest a disaster as much as a miracle.
All of this as a result of leaving my last relationship #samael #calypso and choosing to go out on the water #surfer #walkonwater by myself. Physically. Emotionally. Metaphysically. #facebookchangedtometa
If I were to go back a year in my life I would not be able to convince my younger self that what is happening to me was possible. That person was too unimaginative. Too old. Dying.
That person is now in the best shape of his life leaping from the tops of very dangerous apparatuses while listening to hillsong united and writing the next great american novel being acknowledged by strangers.
Be careful what you ask for… because I did scream out to God “I don’t want to feel this way anymore!!” and holy shit be careful what you wish for. Because I do NOT feel the same way. #notinsane #jedi
Writers Temple