I Will tell you the story of what it feels like to come out of the desert and the second I did the dreams just continued that started when i went to sleep and had a dream about jumping off of a building and flying to another dimension and it turns out I indeed am Homer and have been traveling for some time and I’m not sure how many near death experiences I have had but for sure I had one where I fell off off of a mountain while I was ice climbing and my partner didn’t have the rope and that in my NDE I became a drunk rich asshole and shitty parent and partner and worse of all a scared man and that once I dreamed of leaving the dimension via rooftop I jumped into another dimension where I am actually the resurrected Christ and have taken the identity not of Beowulf like my mentor Jesus Christ but instead I took the identity of his friend John who was a really good writer and got to teach people all about Jesus and also got to peer into heaven and didn’t lose his mind and was even able to tell others about the experience and the real reason that I am a writer instead of Beowulf is because I am both a father and a pacifist except when the tables need to be overturned so watch out because I’m actually like Bruce Wayne with a laptop in Painter’s Alley and now that my identity and story are ready I was immediately (and I’m taking minutes here) visited by a stranger who I was led to share my testimony with him about how I am a writer and have to spend the rest of my life writing the story of Gods love for us because it is actually the cure for the sickness of our society and my confirmation to be a writer came to me from one of my arch-angels named Jennifer who has appeared to me multiple times on different forms to help me to figure out my truth and how the stranger than encouraged me to go Moab around Easter which is weird because i was just thinking about Easter and how I used to fast for 3 days over Easter because I love god and Jesus even though I don’t Even know why but it works and it is magical and I am enlightened now and ready to start my career as a writer and thank you for the most beautiful dream that I could ever ask to witness let alone star in and I love you god so much and I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground and I still have the map and I will teach others to find you.
3 min readNov 14, 2021
- It was a really good church service
I Will
Word of God
Jesus reincarnated because I choose to believe it because I have faith like a child