I Will tell you the story of The Loading Station
The hero wandered along. Knowing. Looking. Waiting. Praying. He was brave. He was ready.
As he approached the station he could instantly recognize some of the artifacts.
Stones. Jewels. Bracelets. He approached the gypsys will his cloak of invisibility.
“Where is everyone”
In the back.
“I have nothing. I’m new here. Can you help me”
Let me get you some supplies. She handed him a blanket and a mat. “Go inside. You will find them in the back room”.
Homer entered the chamber. He was trying not to look at anything. Less to write about later. He just knew he needed to be there.
He was slightly embarrassed (but never ashamed) at being late and making a commotion when he arrived.
The healing was already under way. He layed on him matt and tried to get comfortable. First he laid face down (shame?). A few minutes later he returned to his back.
The healing was incredible. He cold actually feel his brain tingling. He could actually feel the changes in his body at a molecular level
He laughed to himself “I guess the Jedi healing properties are real”.
The session continued. Homer was no fully aware. Fully in the moment. Fully knowing that this moment was for him and him alone.
The healing was getting faster and faster. He noticed that the healer was spending a lot of time around him.
Suddenty the healer went into a very repetitions gonging. It sounded like the beating of drums….
When it finally happened it happened fast. The drums were still ringing in his ears. All the sudden he could feel vibration all over his body. Time passed. The vision appeared.
Homer was prepared. He had been training long before he arrived here. 42 years of sorts. But hard core training of his mind for the last year. He controlled his fear. Breath he told himself.
As the vision got stronger and stronger he become overwhelmed. His body was shaking uncontrollably. All the sudden his muscles all started to flex. He became still. He couldn’t fight it. The sound coming from the singing bowls was too much for him. He started to feel like he was being lifted of the ground.
The room was making so much noice. The hero started weeping. He brain was broken and being healed. He could feel the frontal lobe bending. He started to feat it would lead to cancer. Breathe He found his footing and remembered it was his choice. He dies my shark at 85.
He saw the vision of his death. He saw the most beautiful sunset. He saw the calm but consistent ocean. He knew her by name now.
The big wave was on the horizon. He smiled. He looked down at his remaining infinity stones on his wrist. Smiled. Knew he had won.
The last samurai in him bowed. The surfer in him smiled. The android in him was gone. He had shed that skin long ago. The writer was gone too. It had been gone (to the public’s eye at least) for awhile.
The superhero in him tried to pull off the invisibility cloak. But it was already off of him. Long ago he suddenly remembered. That memory is a tricky thing. Struggles with non-linear story telling. Especially when there are an infinite number of songs all being sung at the same time. Its really hard to remember infinity. Really really hard. You can only feel it. You can only remember the feeling. No book, movie, song, dance, fame, adventure, achievement could ever have replaced the feeling of the day he finally learned the song.
He paddled out on his board. Singing his song. Her song. The song that he kept in his most quiet and personal place. His heart. The only thing he could remember cognitively by now. His memory had stopped working so long ago. He didn’t miss it. Memories carry your shame. Memories limit your belief in the future. Memories are maybe the worst thing that a mind could hold onto. It was the dreams. The dreams had to replace the memories. The ying and the yang. It was beautiful.
As the camera pulled back from the hero and started to zoom out…. it zoomed over clean oceans. It zoomed over lush forests. It zoomed over triumphant cities where they people still celebrated the movements in unison.
He had done it. He had saved himself. He had saved the people. He had saved earth. He had saved his bride.
His song — still fully alive in his head and heart and lungs and voice helped him to remember one last time how to surf. He would get to fly to see his bride. Finally. The only bride he ever wanted. The only bride he could ever imagine. The only bride he had ever dreamed and been able to cross the quantum tunnel. To stay in connection to her.
The camera was so far out that the planet earth looked like a beautiful stone.
And OA picked the stone out of the water and added it to the bracelet she had made for him.
I’m ready she cried. Breathing. SLOW. I’m strong. Surf with me. Once last time.
He felt the tears starting to pour out of his eyes. One last time babe. We did it. We saved it. I knew we could. How did you know we would be able to save it?
I dreamed it. Cried the warrior…
And I prayed that i would never forget. My whole life. Breath. I’m here Homer.
I love you.
I love you.
And the two quantum surfers did the movements one last time. Their bodies filled with chokras. Their hands. Their feet. Their breath. There legs.
I have it babe. Its strong.
Dance with me.
I can’t wait to meet you. I’ve loved you my whole life. This was such a good story/dream.
Play your music. I’m fading.
He wept. The rememberance of the dream so powerful. Covering his whole body.
Just as he knew it would. Breath.
He knew that if he closed his eyes and did the movements she would receive his message. One last message. Hold on babe. I’m coming.
I have the next movements. Breath he told himself. As the bold button became locked in the keyboard. He knew she was aleady gone. He held the chokra on the keyboard. Writer: Write. Surfer: Surf. Commedian: Laugh. Insane: Heal yourself. Children: Dream. People: Sleep.
Singer: Sing with me