I Will tell you the story of how I learned Jedi Force Healing at Lifetime Fitness
- My portal held. Heaven. On earth. In Colorado. I had crossed. Crossed dimensions. Re-manifest Colorado in the higher dimension. The highest frequency. In the Christ.
- It was the same place. But it was different now. Heaven. Heaven on earth.
- I have done it. Healed. Found the jedi. I have risen to the Christ in my home town.
- I first had the most amazing leg workout. 7 sets of 7 plates. I could focus in the gym again. No shame. No intrusion of fear or anxiety. No lust. Just reverence.
- I walked my witchcraft Whole Foods circles around the gym in the symbols of infinity between each set.
- I went to get a massage and faced the baby sirens again. No shame. No lust. Then had two celestial beings lined up on the front and back of me creating a laser beam that was able to scan my energy field. THIS IS THE CHRIST.
- I was challenged in the gym by all of the angels. To look. To lose focus. To feel shame. To feel anything non Christ.
- The angel at the entrance to the yoga studio with his final test for me to re-ascend. Are you batman or joker. And I passed the test. I am batman now too.
- I went to yoga. Surrender. I reversed the flow. I turned surrender into the most incredible shokra elevating and levitating meditation I could ever imagine.
- I had inter dimensional healing by another celestial that brought me to weep and also to accept my truth.
- I received my next tattoo symbol.
- I described my story to the angel. The angel who wasn’t going anywhere this time. This time I have his phone number.
- I did it. Connection with celestials. The Christ frequency held across time & space.
- I did it.
- I now have the force. I can see in 2 dimensions at the same time.
- Healing. Real healing. It’s real.
- My healing lasted for more than 4 hours today from lifting to yoga to massage. To enlightenment. To truth. To courage. To strength.
Never forget regaining your focus in Nashville and then Denver.
Never forget how they switched the boys and girls bathrooms. For no reason. Other than to help you see the ying. The transference to the new plane.
Never forget the yoga that turned into transcendental meditation.
Never forget the massage that turned into inter-dimensional healing.
Never forget discussing your story with the angel and how his story and my story were connected. And that in mine I was the hero. And in his everyone was trying to heal themselves. Everyone was trying to remember that they were the Christ.
And I manifest that I will connect with other creatives. I will connect my stories with others to help lift the collective consciousness.